Challenge 72


The purpose of this challenge is to define basic classes with friend functions and operator overloading


  1. Define a class called Point as below
    class Point
        double x, y;
  2. Write an overloaded constructor for the Point class to set the values for the x and y data members.
  3. Overload the less-than operator (<) to move the x-value n units to the left.
      // Sample usage
      Point p(5,5);
      p = p < 2;
      // After the above line of code, the x value has moved to the left 2 units (x is now 3)
  4. Overload the greater-than operator (>) to move the x-value n units to the right.
      // Sample usage
      Point p(10,5);
      p = p > 3;
      // After the above line of code, the x value has moved to the right 3 units (x is now 13)
  5. Understand that the overloads in Steps 3 and 4 aren’t recommended approaches as we are repurposing and redefining the behaviors of the less-than and greater-than operators, which should behave more or less as comparison operators. Nevertheless, we will implement them in this example to show and understand proof of concept.
  6. Overload the asterisk operator (the * used for multiplying) so that two Point objects “multiplied” together returns the area bounded by the two points.
      // Sample usage
      Point p1(2,2), p2(5,5);
      double area = p1 * p2;
      cout << area << endl; // should show 9
  7. Overload the insertion operator (the << used by cout). This will allow you to simply cout any Point objects. When a Point object is displayed, it will look like (x,y).
  8. In main(), write driver code that will instantiate some Point objects to test your overloads.

Sample main()

// class definitions here

int main()
  Point p1(5,5), p2(10,10);

  p1 = p1 < 1;        // p1 is now (4,5)
  p2 = p2 > 3;        // p2 is now (13,10)

  cout << p1 << endl;  // shows (4,5)
  cout << p2 << endl;  // shows (13,10);

  double area = p1 * p2;
  cout << "Area bounded by p1 and p2 is " << area << endl;  // 45

  return 0;



Print Requirements