Challenge 66


The purpose of this challenge is to define and use basic classes.


  1. Define a class called Country as below
    class Country
        string name;
        int gold, silver, bronze;
  2. In class Country, create an overloaded constructor that will pass in the country name. Within this constructor, set variables gold, silver and bronze to 0.
  3. In class Country, create a setter function void add_medal(int medal). The value of medal can be 1, 2 or 3. Whichever medal value is passed will increment the corresponding data member. For example if it’s called as add_medal(2), then increment silver property. If it’s called as add_medal(1), then increment the gold member.
  4. Create getter functions for each of the properties of the Country class. For the name getter function, write this outside of the class using the Scope Resolution Operator.
  5. Create a global function (non-class member) called void score_event(double scores[], Country & c1, Country & c2, Country & c3)
    1. In this function, the scores array will contain 3 values respectively for each of three countries, c1, c2 and c3
    2. This function will determine which country will be awarded which medal based on the scores. Highest score will award a gold medal to the winning country; Median score will award a silver medal to the winning country, and lowest score will award a bronze medal to the appropriate country. Use each country’s objects to increment the correct medals
    3. This function will display the current medal tallies (See Sample Interaction)
  6. In main() — See interaction,
    1. Declare a double array scores[3]
    2. ask the user for three competing country names. The country names entered will be used in instantiating three Country objects. Remember that the overloaded constructor must be used during instantiation.
    3. Ask the user to score 3 events (use a loop) by asking for three scores, one score for each country. The elements of the scores array will be used for countries 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
    4. Call the score_event function, passing in all the necessary parameters (event name, the scores array, and the three country objects)

Sample main()

// class definitions here

int main()
  string cname;
  double scores[3];

  // Country 1
  cout << "Enter country 1";
  cin >> cname;
  Country c1(cname);

  // Ask similary for the next two countries

  // Score 3 events
  for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
    cout << "Enter score for " << c1.get_name() << ": " << endl;
    cin >> scores[0];

    // ask for the other two countries

    score_event(scores, c1, c2, c3);
  return 0;

Sample Interaction

Enter country 1: USA
Enter country 2: Russia
Enter country 3: China

Event 1
Enter score for USA: 9.25
Enter score for Russia: 9.5
Enter score for China: 9.0

(this is displayed by score_event function <- don't display this)
Medal Tally (Gold, Silver, Bronze):
USA: 0 1 0
Russia: 1 0 0
China: 0 0 1

Event 2
Enter score for USA: 5
Enter score for Russia: 4.5
Enter score for China: 4

Medal Tally (Gold, Silver, Bronze):
USA: 1 1 0
Russia: 1 1 0
China: 0 0 2

Event 3
Enter score for USA: 9.0
Enter score for Russia: 9.25
Enter score for China: 9.75

Medal Tally (Gold, Silver, Bronze):
USA: 1 1 1
Russia: 1 2 0
China: 1 0 2




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