Blackbox Challenge 1


The purpose of this challenge is examine the output and write the C++ source code that produces the given output and interaction.


  1. You may use any combination of variable declarations, assignments, conditional statements, expressions, loops, etc
  2. Include <cstdlib> and <ctime> to enable the use of the built-in random number generator. See below on how to use the random number generator to have the computer produce integers within a given range.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime> 
int main()
  int v1, v2, v3;

  // these are examples on how to use the rand() function
  // v1, v2 and v3 are assigned random numbers below in the 
  // ranges shown in the comments
  v1 = rand() % 100;         // v1 in the range 0 to 99
  v2 = rand() % 100 + 1;     // v2 in the range 1 to 100
  v3 = rand() % 30 + 1985;   // v3 in the range 1985-2014

  return 0;

Sample Interaction / Output

$ [ run your program ]

You have $20.00 in your account
You must guess my number (it is between 1 and 100)
You have a maximum of seven tries to guess my number

OK, I have my number
How much do you want to wager that you can guess it in seven attempts? 5.00 

OK, guess my number: 30
Your number is higher than mine. You have six attempts left

OK, guess my number: 20
Your number is lower than mine. You have five attempts left

OK, guess my number: 24
Your number is higher than mine. You have four attempts left

OK, guess my number: 22
You guessed it!
You now have $25.00 in your account

Play again (y/n)? y

You have $25.00 in your account
You must guess my number (it is between 1 and 100)
You have a maximum of seven tries to guess my number

OK, I have my number
How much do you want to wager that you can guess it in seven attempts? 10.00 

OK, guess my number: 40
Your number is lower than mine. You have six attempts left

OK, guess my number: 55
Your number is lower than mine. You have five attempts left

OK, guess my number: 65
Your number is lower than mine. You have four attempts left

OK, guess my number: 75
Your number is lower than mine. You have three attempts left

OK, guess my number: 85
Your number is lower than mine. You have two attempts left

OK, guess my number: 95
Your number is lower than mine. You have one attempt left

OK, guess my number: 100
Your number is higher than mine

You failed to guess my number

You now have $15.00 in your account

Play again (y/n)? n

$ [ back to the command prompt ]



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