The purpose of this challenge is to implement a binary search tree.
Requirements – PART 1
- Define an int array in main() as below
int values[25] = { 23, 117, 45, 19, 7, 13, 17, 40, 9, 11, 93, 49, 35, 8, 3, 10, 22, 77, 16, 6, 51, 57, 55, 90, 31 };
- Define a node as below
struct Node { int value; Node * left; Node * right; };
- Create a class BST
class BST { private: int count; Node * root; Node * create(int value); void add_node(Node *subtreeroot, int value); public: BST() {} ~BST() {} void add(int item); friend void show(BST & bst); };
- In the default constructor for BST, set root to NULL and count to 0
- Write a private function Node * create(int value). This function returns the address of a new node (use the new operator to create a new node). Set the node’s value to value. Set both left and right to NULL. Increment the private variable count.
- Create a function void add_node(Node * subtreeroot, int value). This function will recursively traverse subtreeroot to correctly place the new value. Using VLR traversal, check that the current node being “visited” is not equivalent to value. If it is, stop the traversal — we only want to add in unique values. Otherwise, this function will create a new node at the appropriate time during traversal and link the new node to the correct parent as appropriate. Set left and right node properties as appropriate as well. Pseudo code is below:
if (subtreeroot->value does not equal value) // V begin if (value < subtreeroot->value) // L if (subtreeroot->left is NOT NULL) call add_node(subtreeroot->left, value); else set subtreeroot->left to create(value) else // R if (subtreeroot->right is NOT NULL) call add_node(subtreeroot->right, value); else set subtreeroot->right to create(value) end
- In the add() function, call add_node() passing the private root variable into add_node() to start the recursive VLR traversal.
- Create a global function void show_node(Node * subtreeroot). This function will recursively traverse subtreeroot and display the value of the nodes, using LVR (in-order) traversal.
- Create a friend function in BST to display the contents of the BST. friend void show(BST & bst). This function will call show_node, using LVR traversal.
- Create a new function void destroy_node(Node * node). In this function, recursively call node->left, then node->right as long as node is not NULL. This uses an LRV traversal
void destroy_node(Node *node) { if (node != NULL) { destroy_node(node->left); // L destroy_node(node->right); // R } delete node; // V count--; }
- In the class’ destructor, call destroy_node() passing in root to start the traversal.
- In main(),
- Fill up a BST object by adding all the items from the values array, one at a time. Call bst.add() to add each item from the array.
- Display the contents of the BST using the friend function.
- Ask the user to enter a new integer value
- Add this new value into the BST object
- Display the contents of the BST again using friend function. See that the new value is in the right location.
- Display the count of nodes in the BST
Requirements – Part 2
- In the BST class, add a private function Node * find_node(Node * subtreeroot, int value). This function calls itself recursively in VLR traversal mode looking for value. This function returns NULL if it doesn’t find a matching node. It returns the address of a matching node whose value is value.
- In the BST class, add a public function bool find(int value). This function returns true if it finds value in the tree, or false if it doesn’t find value in the tree. This function starts the recursive search by calling find_node() and passing in root.
- Create a public function bool delete_node(int value). Use the following pseudo-code
bool delete_node(int value) { // use the following pseudo-code to delete a node declare bool found, set to false declare Node temp, set to root declare Node parent, set to NULL // find the node to delete and identify its parent // this is iterative, rather than recursive while not found and temp is NOT NULL if value equals temp->value set found to true else-if value < temp->value set parent to temp set temp to temp->left else-if value > temp->value set parent to temp set temp to temp->right end-if end-while // there are 3 scenarios to handle // 1 - the node to be deleted is a leaf // you need to figure this part out // 2 - the node to be deleted has one child // you need to figure this part out // 3 - a matching node has two children // this case is given below // when this node is deleted, something has to // take its place. This identifies that // node as the leaf node at the very left // of the right subtree (wut?) if found if temp->left is not NULL and temp->right is not NULL declare Node *replacement, set to temp->right while replacement->left is not NULL set parent to replacement set replacement to replacement->left end-while set temp->data to replacement->data set temp to replacement end-if Declare Node *subtree and set to temp->right if subtree is NULL set subtree to temp->left end-if if temp->data < parent->data set parent->left to subtree else set parent->right to subtree end-if delete temp return true end-if else return false; }
- In main(), ask the user to search for a value. Display a message indicating if the value was found or not. If it is found, ask the user if it should be deleted. If the user responds affirmatively, delete the matching node. Then, display the tree to confirm its deletion.
Sample main()
#include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { BST bst; int values[25] = { 23, 117, 45, 19, 7, 13, 17, 40, 9, 11, 93, 49, 35, 8, 3, 10, 22, 77, 16, 6, 51, 57, 55, 90, 31 }; return 0; }
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