Challenge 46


The purpose of this challenge is to use class templates.


  1. Write a class template called Collection.
    template <class T>
    class Collection
        T * data;
        int max;
        Collection(int size, T initial_value)
          max = size;
          // initialize data as an array of size max
          // fill the array with initial_value 
  2. Create a destructor to dispose of the data array.
  3. Create a public function, int count(T value). This function returns the number of occurrences of value in the data array.
  4. Create a public function, bool contains (T value). This function returns true or false if value is found in the data array.
  5. Create an overloaded operator for the subscript operator, [].
      T& operator[](int index)
        // return the value in data at the index subscript location
  6. Create the prototype of a public member function, T at(int index); Similar to step 5, this function simply returns the value in data at index. Write this function so that it will also throw an out_of_range(“Index exceeds collection size”) exception. Write the definition of this function outside the class definition body, rather than inline.
      // when defining outside of class body, you need to add
      // template specification and class resolution
      T& at(int index)
        if (some condition)
          throw out_of_range("Index exceeds collection size");
        // return the value in data at the index subscript location
  7. In main, write driver code to exercise each of the various public functions in the Collection class. Make sure to access the object’s data elements using the subscript operator — this exercises the overloaded [] operator.

Sample main()

int main()
  Collection <int> info(10, 0);
  // write driver code here

  // this tests subscript operator
  info[0] = 100;
  // also try creating objects of different types as well
  Collection <string> text(5, "N/A");
  return 0;


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