Challenge 61


The purpose of this challenge is to define a basic class with private and public data members and functions. This challenge simulates a Credit Card account.


  1. Define a class called CreditCard as below
    class CreditCard
        string name;
        string card_no;
        int expire_month;
        int expire_year;
        double limit;
        double balance;
  2. Create a default constructor for this class.
  3. Create an overloaded constructor to pass in values for name, card_no, expire_month and expire_year. Use the values passed in the parameters to initialize the appropriate private data members.
  4. In the overloaded constructor, set limit to 2000 and balance to 0 (zero).
  5. Create a private getter function double available_credit(). This simply returns the difference between the limit and the balance.
  6. Create a public getter function string get_card_type(). This returns VISA if the first digit of the card number is a ‘4’, MASTERCARD if ‘5’, AMEX if ‘3’ and OTHER for any other digit.
  7. Create a public getter function string get_info(). This function returns a string that looks as below (using the appropriate information, of course). You can use the to_string() function to convert int or double to a string represenation of a numeric value. For example, to_string(100) returns “100”, to_string(1.99) returns “1.99”. You will have to concatenate various strings to create a string in the format below. You may end up with lots of extra decimals using to_string() on a double — don’t worry about it, you may leave it as is.
       VISA card expires on 12/2025, available credit $1000.0000
  8. Create a function bool pre_authorize(int exp_month, int exp_year, double charge_amt). This function will return true if exp_month and exp_year matches the stored private data, and that charge_amt is less than the available credit. This function will return false otherwise.
  9. Create a function bool charge(int exp_month, int exp_year, double charge_amt). This function will call pre_authorize() passing in all the appropriate parameters. If the call to pre_authorize() returns true then add the charge_amt to balance, and return true. Otherwise, return false.
  10. Make sure that your class does not contain any cout or cin code.
  11. Use the following main() function to test your class.

Sample main()

int main()
  CreditCard card("MICKEY MOUSE", "4128002072554673", 12, 2025);
  char input;
  double amount;
  int expmonth, expyear;

    cout << "c - Check if a charge will go through" << endl;
    cout << "m - Make a purchase" << endl;
    cout << "s - Show card info" << endl;
    cout << "q - Quit" << endl;
    cout << "Command: " << endl;
    cin >> input;

    switch (input)
      case 'c': cout << "Pre-authorize how much? ";
                cin >> amount;
                if (card.pre_authorize(12, 2025, amount))
                  cout << "Yes, that will go through" << endl;
                  cout << "Pre-auth failed" << endl;
      case 'm': cout << "Enter expire month: ";
                cin >> expmonth;
                cout << "Enter expire year: ";
                cin >> expyear;
                cout << "Enter charge amount: ";
                cin >> amount;
                if (card.charge(expmonth, expyear, amount))
                  cout << "Approved" << endl;
                  cout << "Declined" << endl;
      case 's': cout << card.get_info() << endl;

  } while (input != 'q');

  return 0;

Sample Interaction

c - Check if a charge will go through
m - Make a purchase
s - Show card info
q - Quit
Command: c

Pre-authorize how much? 3000
Pre-auth failed
c - Check if a charge will go through 
m - Make a purchase 
s - Show card info
q - Quit 
Command: c 

Pre-authorize how much? 100 
Yes, that will go through

c - Check if a charge will go through 
m - Make a purchase 
s - Show card info
q - Quit 
Command: m 

Enter expire month: 1
Enter expire year: 2011
Enter charge amount: 200

c - Check if a charge will go through 
m - Make a purchase 
s - Show card info
q - Quit 
Command: m 

Enter expire month: 12
Enter expire year: 2025
Enter charge amount: 1200

c - Check if a charge will go through 
m - Make a purchase 
s - Show card info
q - Quit 
Command: s 

VISA Card expires on 12/2025, available balance $800.00

c - Check if a charge will go through 
m - Make a purchase 
s - Show card info
q - Quit 
Command: m 

Enter expire month: 12
Enter expire year: 2025
Enter charge amount: 200

c - Check if a charge will go through 
m - Make a purchase 
s - Show card info
q - Quit 
Command: s 

VISA Card expires on 12/2025, available balance $600.00

c - Check if a charge will go through 
m - Make a purchase 
s - Show card info
q - Quit 
Command: q



Print Requirements